Project 1

Title: Therapeutic RNAi targeting CKIP-1 to  reverse severe postmenopausal osteoporosis

Principal Investigator: Dr. Ge Zhang  (M.D.)

Funding Body: Hong Kong  General Research Fund

Project ID: HKBU 479111

Exercise Year: 2011/2012

Approved Project Duration: 30 months

Project Fund: HK$ 920,000

Coordinator: Dr. Baosheng  Guo (Ph.D.)

Project 2

Title: Toward an emerging paradigm of network  medicine: An innovative platform to combinational herbs /

          compounds-based drug discovery for  complex diseases

Principal Investigator: Prof. Aiping  Lu (M.D., Ph.D.)

Funding Body: Interdisciplinary  Research Matching Scheme (IRMS) of Hong Kong Baptist University

Project ID: RC-IRMS/12-13/02

Exercise Year: 2012/2013

Approved Project Duration: 24 months

Project Fund: HK$ 3,000,000

Coordinator: Dr. Guang  Zheng (Ph.D.)

Project 3

Title: Skeletal role of CK2-interating  Protein-1 in Regulating Osteoblastic Bone Formation: Molecular

          Mechanism and Reversing Osteoporosis

Principal Investigator: Dr. Ge Zhang  (M.D.)

Funding Body: Research  Grants Council & Natural Science Foundation Council

Project ID: N_HKBU435/12

Exercise Year: 2012/2013

Approved Project Duration: 48 months

Project Fund: HK$ 753,925

Coordinator: Dr. Baosheng  Guo (Ph.D.)

Project 4

Title: Study on molecular mechanism of bone  formation reduction in aged women: Functional role of


Principal Investigator: Dr. Ge Zhang  (M.D.)

Funding Body: Natural  Science Foundation Council

Project ID: NSFC 81272045

Exercise Year: 2012/2013

Approved Project Duration: 36 months

Project Fund: RMB 700,000

Coordinator: Dr. Baosheng  Guo (Ph.D.)

Project 5

Title: Toward a novel bone anabolic strategy  for aged postmenopausal osteoporosis: Inhibiting miR-214

          inosteogenic cells for promoting bone  formation

Principal Investigator: Dr. Ge Zhang  (M.D.)

Funding Body: Hong Kong  General Research Fund

Project ID: HKBU 478312

Exercise Year: 2012/2013

Approved Project Duration: 30 months

Project Fund: HK$ 950,000

Coordinator: Dr. Baosheng  Guo  (Ph.D.)

Project 6

Title: Development of aptamer-conjugated  Triptolide specifically targeting synovial cell

Principal Investigator: Dr. Ge Zhang  (M.D.)

Funding Body: Institute of  Basic Research in Clinical Medicine, China Academy of Chinese

                         Medical Sciences (Contract Study)

Project ID: SCM-2012-CR-001

Exercise Year: 2012/2013

Approved Project Duration: N/A

Project Fund: RMB 500,000

Coordinator: Ms. Lei Dang  (B.Sc.)

Project 7

Title: Screening on anti-rheumatic herbal  medicines

Principal Investigator: Dr. Aiping Lu (M.D., Ph.D.)

Funding Body: Hong Kong Baptist University

Project ID: 33-12-903

Exercise Year: 2012/2013

Approved Project Duration: 24 months

Project Fund: HK$ 1,000,000

Coordinator: Dr. Cheng Lu (Ph.D.)

Project 8

Title: Does aberrantly overexpressed casein  kinase-2 interacting protein-1 contribute to failure

         of osteoblast-mediated repair for bone  erosion in rheumatoid arthritis?

Principal Investigator: Dr. Aiping Lu  (M.D., Ph.D.)

Funding Body: Kunshan RNAi  Institute (Contract Study)

Project ID: N/A

Exercise Year: 2013/2014

Approved Project Duration: 36 months

Project Fund: RMB 3,000,000

Coordinator: Dr. Xiaojuan  He (M.D.)

Project 9

Title: Understanding the molecular mechanism  in failure of osteoblast-mediated repair for articular

          bone erosion during progressive rheumatoid  arthritis: Role of casein kinase-2 interacting protein-1

          in controlling osteoblast function

Principal Investigator: Prof. Aiping  Lu (M.D., Ph.D.)

Funding Body: Research  Grants Council

Project ID: HKBU 261113

Exercise Year: 2013/2014

Approved Project Duration: 24 months

Project Fund: HK$ 606,223

Coordinator: Dr. Xiaojuan  He (M.D.)

Project 10

Title: Aptamer-functionalized  Osteoblast-targeting Delivery System for Osteogenic siRNAs to

         Achieve Cell-specific RNA interference  for Bone Anabolic Therapy

Principal Investigator: Dr. Ge Zhang  (M.D.)

Funding Body: Research  Committee of Hong Kong Baptist University

Project ID: FRG2/12-13/027

Exercise Year: 2013/2014

Approved Project Duration: 24 months

Project Fund: HK$ 135,000

Coordinator: Mr. Chao Liang  (M.S.)

Project 11

Title: Metabolomics Analysis of Chinese  Medicine in Epidemic Encephalitis B prevention and


Principal Investigator: Dr. Ge Zhang (M.D.)

Funding Body: Institute of Basic Research in Clinical Medicine, China Academy of  Chinese

                         Medical  Sciences (Contract Study)

Project ID: SCM-2013-CR-001

Exercise Year: 2013~

Approved Project Duration: N/A

Project Fund: RMB 500,000

Coordinator: Ms. Lei Dang (B.S.)

Project 12

Title: Establishing the bridge for  translating cell-specific RNA interference to bone anabolic therapy:

         An aptamer-functionalized  osteoblast-targeting delivery system for osteogenic siRNAs

Principal Investigator: Dr. Ge Zhang  (M.D.)

Funding Body: Science and Technology  Innovation Commission of Shenzhen Municipality

Project ID: SCM-2013-SZTIC-001

Exercise Year: 2013/2014

Approved Project Duration: 24 months

Project Fund: RMB 300,000

Coordinator: Mr. Chao Liang  (M.S.)

Project 13

Title: Research and development of  triptolide-aptamer drug

Principal Investigator: Prof. AipingLu  (M.D., Ph.D.)

Funding Body: National  Science and Technology Major Projects for "major New Drugs Innovation and


Project ID: 2013ZX09301307

Exercise Year: 2013/2015

Approved Project Duration: 36 months

Project Fund: RMB 1,500,000

Coordinator: Dr. Xiaojuan  He (M.D.)

Project 14

Title: A unique platform for drug discovery  of combinational drugs / Chinese herbal medicines / compounds

Principal Investigator: Prof. Aiping  Lu (M.D., Ph.D.)

Funding Body: Hong Kong Baptist University  Strategic Development Fund

Project ID: SDF13-1209-P01

Exercise Year: 2014/2017

Approved Project Duration: 36 months

Project Fund: HK$ 3,000,000

Coordinator: Dr. Guang  Zheng (Ph.D.)

Project 15

Title: Role of MiR-214 within Osteoclast in  Regulating Osteoblastic Bone Formation

Principal Investigator: Dr. Ge Zhang  (M.D.)

Funding Body: Research  Committee of Hong Kong Baptist University

Project ID: FRG2/13-14/006

Exercise Year: 2014/2016

Approved Project Duration: 24 months

Project Fund: HK$ 135,000

Coordinator: Dr. Defang  Li (Ph.D.)

Project 16

Title: The  Development of Chinese Medicine Clinical Practice Guidelines in Hong Kong

Principal Investigator: Prof. Aiping  LU (M.D., Ph.D.) & Prof. Zhaoxiang BIAN (M.D., Ph.D.)

Funding Body: Hospital  Authority

Project ID: HA 820/126/19/19/14/6/12/1

Exercise Year: 2013/2014

Approved Project Duration: 15 months

Project Fund: HK$ 444,320

Coordinator: Ms. Nannan Shi  (M.Phil.)

Project 17

Title: Cell-specific Aptamer Facilitates Triptolide Selectively Targeting Fibroblast-like Synoviocytes and Specifically

Reducing Exposure to Liver Cells

Principal  Investigator: Prof. Aiping LU (M.D., Ph.D.)

Funding Body: Research  Committee of Hong Kong Baptist University

Project  ID:  30-12-286

Exercise Year: 2013/2014

Approved Project  Duration: 18 months

Project Fund: HK$ 131,100

Coordinator: Dr. Cheng Lu (Ph.D.)

Project 18

Title: Role of  miR-214 from Osteoclast in Regulating Osteoblastic Bone Formation

Principal Investigator: Dr. Ge Zhang (M.D.)

Funding Body: Interdisciplinary Research Matching Scheme (IRMS) of Hong Kong  Baptist University

Project ID: RC-IRMS/13-14/02

Exercise Year: 2014/2015

Approved Project Duration: 24 months

Project Fund: HK$ 2,981,576

Coordinator: Dr. Defang  Li (Ph.D.)

Project 19

Title: Aptamer-functionalized  osteoblast-targeting delivery system for osteogenic siRNAs to achieve

cell-specific  RNA interference for bone anabolic therapy

Principal  Investigator: Dr. Ge Zhang (M.D.)

Funding Body: Hong Kong  General Research Fund (GRF)

Project  ID:  12102914

Exercise Year: 2014/2015

Approved Project  Duration: 36 months

Project Fund: HK$ 1,035,000

Coordinator: Mr. Chao Liang  (M.S.)

Project 20

Title: Characterization  of Linkage between Symbiotic Gut Microbes and Fatty Acid Metabolism in

Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients

Principal Investigator: Prof. Aiping LU (M.D., Ph.D.) & Prof. Cai  Zongwei  (Ph.D.)

Funding Body: Interdisciplinary Research Matching Scheme (IRMS) of Hong Kong  Baptist University

Project ID: RC-IRMS/13-14/03

Exercise Year: 2014/2015

Approved Project Duration: 24 months

Project Fund: HK$ 2,944,160

Coordinator: Dr. Cheng Lv  (Ph.D.)

Project 21

Title: Toward Targeted Therapy In Advanced  Pancreatic Cancer: A Smart Triptolide-Nucleolin Aptamer

         Conjugate (UIM/256)

Principal  Investigator: Prof. Aiping  Lu

Funding Body: Hong Kong  Innovation and Technology Fund

Project  ID:  UIM/256

Exercise Year: 2014/2016

Approved Project  Duration: 24 months

Project Fund: HK$ 2,339,560

Coordinator: Mr. Biao Liu  (M.S.)

Project 22

Title: Toward Cell-targeted Therapeutics in Osteosarcoma: a Smart Triptolide-aptamer Conjugate

Principal Investigator: Prof. Aiping Lu (M.D., Ph.D.) and Prof. Dean Guo (Ph.D.)

Funding Body: Croucher Foundation

Project ID: Gnt#CAS14BU/CAS14201

Exercise Year: 2014/2016

Approved Project Duration: 36 months

Project Fund: HK$ 1,200,000

Coordinator: Dr. Defang Li (Ph.D.) and Mr. Chao Liang (M.S.)

Project 23

Title: Targeting a Critical Disease Biomarker - C Reactive   Protein: A Combination Therapy Using Leflunomide and 

          Ligustrazine in   Rheumatoid Arthritis

Principal Investigator: Prof. Aiping LU (M.D., Ph.D.)

Funding Body: Interdisciplinary Research Matching Scheme (IRMS) of Hong Kong  Baptist University

Project ID: RC-IRMS/14-15/02

Exercise Year: 2015/2016

Approved Project Duration: 24 months

Project Fund: HK$ 2,833,595

Coordinator: Dr. Cheng Lv  (Ph.D.)