Congratulations to Mr. Jin Liu, Miss. Lei Dang and Dr. Defang Li on successful publication in Biomaterials.

March 01, 2015

Recently, a collaborative research done by PhD student Mr. Jin Liu, MPhil student Miss. Lei Dang and Post-doctoral fellow Defang Li in IBTS was published in “Biomaterials” (Journal Impact Factors: 8.312). The work named “A delivery system specifically approaching bone resorption surfaces to facilitate therapeutic modulation of microRNAs in osteoclasts”. In this study, they developed an osteoclast-targeting delivery system, i.e. (D-Asp8)-Liposome, to facilitate miRNA modulators specifically approaching bone-resorption surfaces to selectively target osteoclast to regulate osteoclast function. It would provide a promising osteoclast-targeting delivery system to facilitate clinical translation of miRNA modulators in treating osteoclast-dysfunction-induced skeletal diseases. 


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